Functional skills at Mayfield School include maths, computing, and science. We emphasise that time needs to be given to developing a learner’s ability to transfer skills to real life contexts; meeting the needs of all pupils by Teach-Practise-Repeat-Master and then apply. English and communication are essential skills for Mayfield pupils and therefore allocated a separate strand.
• Our key aim for functional skills mathematics is to develop learner’s skills; knowledge and understanding of mathematics apply it to problem solving and life skills. All learners will be by provided with engaging and enjoyable real-life learning activities and experiences that demand their active participation. We want learners to be able to apply maths to different contexts, personal development, work place environments and develop skills for everyday living. Maths should also provide opportunities for pupils to work independently and co-operatively.
• Our key aim for functional skills computing is to provide all learners with the confidence and creativity to develop essential ICT skills for life. ICT skills are essential in order to gain employment in modern society and gives access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures, allowing you to work together and share information across the world.
• Our key aim for functional skills science is to provide all learners to explore their curiosity about the world and helps them to find explanations. It links practical experience with scientific ideas. Pupils learn that science enhances knowledge and that understanding in science is rooted in evidence. Pupils discover how science and technology affects industry, business and medicine and how science improves the quality of life. Pupils appreciate science worldwide and discover how it relates to their own culture. Students also gain confidence to question and discuss issues that may affect their own lives, their immediate community and the world.
• We have chosen to teach the science topics which are most relevant to our learner’s needs and that which will support their knowledge and understanding of the key skills they will need in life to support their journey to independent living and build resilience. This will be reviewed yearly and adapted to meet the needs of our pupils.