Mayfield School Policy for Sport Premium  

Sports Premium   

Accessing sport and physical activity can be a real challenge for our young people and families. Recognising this barrier is imperative as we are aware of the positive impact sports and physical activity can have increasing emotional wellbeing and resilience (Future in mind report, 2019).   

We have therefore used our sports premium funding to develop an enrichment offer with external services. This includes a range of lunchtime clubs and multi sports coaching in school. It is hoped that providing access to these opportunities that our children may not otherwise have access to, will increase their participation in sports and exercise. 

We have received £17,080 worth of funding for the academic year 2022-23. For a detailed breakdown of spending please see the review document below.   

Impact of Sport Premium  

 The quality of our PE provision has improved as has our provision for physical activity at social times. Staff are more confident in using a range of strategies.  There is more engagement in activities.  Please see below for a detailed breakdown of spending and impact.