There is a dedicated pastoral team at Mayfield working across both sites. Lucy and Charlotte can help with a range of issues and can offer emotional and practical help to families who are experiencing short or long term difficulties. We strive as a school to develop strong relationships with families and promote pupil wellbeing and resilience.

They are able to offer you support with the following;

  • Housing issues.
  • Finance and debt.
  • Benefit entitlement.
  • Family relationships.
  • Access to employment advice.
  • Applications for charitable grants. 
  • Emergency food provision.
  • Guidance on pupil behaviour management and communication.
  • Requests for short breaks respite support.
  • Adult learning opportunities.
  • Parental engagement sessions.
  • Support with caring responsibilities and bereavement.

In addition, they are both trained and experienced Designated Safeguarding Leads and can respond to a range of safeguarding concerns. If you require support from specialist services, we will signpost you to the most relevant external agencies and if required we can work collaboratively with them on your behalf.

Lucy Cornfield
Pastoral Manager/DDSL
Heathfield Road
Maddison Smith
Pastoral Manager /DDSL
Heathfield Road
Charlotte Starkey
Pastoral Manager/DDSL
Wheeler Street (Maternity leave)
Jasmine D’Auncey
Pastoral Manager/DDSL
Wheeler Street
Nicolle Birkin
Pastoral Manager/DDSL
Wheeler Street

Contact details:
School telephone: 0121 809 2500 (Option 3 – Heathfield Road site)
Work telephone: 07415474563
Alternatively you can request contact via your child/young person’s class team.