Special School Nurses
What do we do?
We undertake an assessment and develop a care plan for every new starter in special school. We reassess and evaluate care plans as required, dependent on individual pupil needs and circumstances.
The special school nursing team will provide advice support and signposting to other services for a wide range of disabilities and healthcare needs.
Regular Clinics are held in school with:
· Consultant Paediatricians
· Consultant Psychiatrists
· Learning Disability Professionals
· Paediatric Dieticians
Special School Nurses will work closely with social workers from the Disabled Children’s Social Care Team to support access to respite care and community resources for sport, play and leisure. Where there may be concerns around the safety and wellbeing of a child, for whatever reason, Special School Nurses will work in collaboration with the BCHC Safeguarding team and relevant Social Care team to support children and their families in overcoming difficulties.
We work in collaboration with teachers, teaching assistants, lunchtime supervisors and transport guides to ensure that each individual pupils needs are met.
We support this through:
•undertaking an assessment and writing a care-plan for each new pupil starting in a special school which is updated as needs change whilst the pupil is attending a special school.
• providing Clinical treatments during the day whilst pupils are in school,
• Identification of possible problems with vision, hearing or dental health and making referral to appropriate service.
• monitoring a child/young person’s growth & development and raising concerns if noted.
• supporting immunisation programmes within the school setting.
• identifying children who are at risk of failing to reach their full potential either through ill health affecting attendance or from the pressures families experience in caring for a child or young person with learning disabilities or difficulties; and providing appropriate support, advice or signposting to other services.
• working with teachers, Speech & Language therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Paediatricians, Psychiatrists, Dieticians, Hospital consultants, Nurse
Specialists, General Practitioners (GP) and other agencies to provide on-going care & support for children and their families
• providing training, information and guidance to education colleagues, enabling them to provide safe & effective care to pupils with additional health care needs.
• contributing to the Education, Health and Care plan (EHC) ensuring pupils health needs are appropriately met and managed whilst in school.
• offering health education, support and advice to individual pupils during confidential drop-in sessions, as part of taught sessions with teaching staff or at the specific request of parents/carers.
The Special school nursing team aims to provide health care for the children and young people in special schools that is personalised, with minimal disruption to the school timetable.
Special School Nursing Holiday Service
There are 3 Registered nurses available during the school holidays to provide support and advice to pupils and families referred to the holiday service by their named school nurse. Referrals to the holiday service are accepted from the Special School Nursing Team, Social workers, GP’s, Community nursing services and Paediatricians by either written referral or telephone contact.
Contact details: