At Mayfield School we recognise that thinking about and supporting your young person to take their next steps can be daunting. The careers team, along with the Associate Heads of School for Inclusion, are on hand to support you every step of the way. Here is a  guide to your young person’s journey through Mayfield School:

Transition Overview

Conversations as part of EHCP reviews, parents’ and carers’ evenings and multi-agency meetings will become increasingly focused on preparation for adulthood as your child moves through Mayfield School. The following information will be reviewed and recorded;

Your Young Person:

  • Your young person’s wishes and feelings should be at the centre of their plan.
  • What are your young person’s hopes and aspirations for the future?
  • How can these be met?
  • How can your young person be encouraged to contribute to their plan?
  • What is working well and what is not working well for them at the moment?

You as the Parent(s)/ Carer(s):

  • What are your hopes and aspirations for your young person’s adult life?
  • How can you as parent(s)/ carer(s) continue to help to contribute to the development of your young person’s skills?

A successful transition planning process will help give a clearer understanding of what opportunities are available for your young person post-school. Your young person will be able to choose the most suitable Post-16/ Post-19 option available to them, and will be able to leave Mayfield school after year 11, with the following options available to them:

  • Full-time Education – at a school Sixth Form, or a General Further Education College (GFE) – Attending a local or independent specialist Sixth Form or college of further education is often the next step. These can offer a wide range and level of courses, both academic and work-related, which can be full or part-time. Many courses are designed to prepare young people for adult life by offering a range of vocational taster courses, the chance to gain qualifications and improve skills in maths, English and communication. Some students remain in their local college until the age of 25.
  • Supported Traineeship – at a local training provider or a college. This will give young people a minimum of six months of work placement and they will be supported by a work mentor.
  • Traineeship – at a local training provider or a college. This is for young people who want to develop practical skills through work experience lasting up to six months. It can lead to qualifications up to level 2.
  • Apprenticeship – this is done through an employer and leads to work-based qualifications up to level 3.
  • Employment with Training – if employed, self-employed or volunteering full time (20 hours or more a week). A young person must still be in learning for at least 280 hours a year, the equivalent of one day a week during term-time.
  • Specialist residential colleges –  in some exceptional cases, Mayfield School in conjunction with the careers adviser and, where appropriate, social care, will work together to consider specialist provision.

Independent Specialist Providers

The Birmingham Careers Services website contains a detailed list of Independent Specialist Providers (ISPs) and local colleges who offer supported/foundation learning options, in and around the Birmingham area. We have linked this for you here.

It should be noted that funding for an Independent Specialist Provider will only be considered once the Local Authority are satisfied that this is the most appropriate provision to meet your young person’s needs and there is clear evidence that no other local provider can offer a place, it’s therefore advisable to also look at local colleges and also training providers.

Mayfield School’s Careers Programme

Mayfield School’s Careers programme is our careers offer. This encompasses:

  • Career-planning activities
  • Accredited opportunities
  • Internal and external visits with a careers focus
  • Personal development days linked to careers
  • Future Options events
  • Visits to and from employers
  • Work experience and voluntary opportunities
  • Provider visits
  • Careers advisor meetings
  • Parent/ Carer information sessions

Advice and Support

Parents/ Carers can ask for advice from the supporting professionals working with their young person, this might include:

•Class teacher

•Careers Advisors

•Careers Lead

•Pastoral Managers

•Educational Psychologist

•Therapist(s) (occupational/physiotherapy and speech and language)

External support is also available via SENDIASS; a free, confidential service that offers impartial information, advice and support to families of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities, and young people themselves (aged 16+).

Parent Survey

As key stakeholders in your young person’s journey, we value your feedback. We would be grateful if you could complete the following feedback form to share your experiences: Parent and Carer Careers Feedback Survey

Useful Information

Home – Local Offer Birmingham

SEND Colleges – Birmingham Careers Service

Birmingham SENDIASS Homepage – Birmingham SENDIASS