The PMLD curriculum aims to meet the developmental needs of pupils with PMLD aged from two to nineteen years old.

The curriculum focuses on four key areas:

  • Communication
  • Cognition
  • Physical & Sensory
  • Personal Development

Communication – Working on skills such as responding, interacting and communicating

Cognition – Working on skills such as showing awareness, exploration of stimuli and objects, control & early problem solving, sequence and pattern and using technology

Physical and Sensory Development – Working on skills such as body awareness, fine and gross motor skills, positioning and mobility, hydrotherapy and rebound therapy, visual skills, hearing skills and sensory integration

Social and Emotional Development– Working on skills such as interdependence within care routines, advocacy, preference and choice, emotional wellbeing, play and leisure and accessing the community

The curriculum utilises the above core themes so that sequential based learning can occur. It integrates these aspects within all lessons. Pupils are given the opportunity to experience, practise and consolidate aspects at a personalised pace and challenge.

The curriculum focuses on developing communication for learners with PMLD as the fundamentals of communication are a gateway to learning. Within the pupils early levels of development, communication and cognition are entwined and therefore jointly underpin all aspects of the curriculum.

The curriculum has been developed to align closely with the EHCP areas of need so that life outcomes for pupils are improved. Along with the pupils’ individual targets, the curriculum informs the content of the lessons

The aims for all our PMLD pupils are:
• Develop pupils’ communication skills so that they are able to communicate basic needs and preferences
• Develop pupils’ motivation to learn and engagement within an increasing number of activities, routines, and interactions in varying contexts
• Develop pupils’ thinking and early problem-solving skills so that they can take part as independently as possible within routines, activities and shared interactions
• Develop pupils’ ability to physically use their arms and hands so that they can engage with objects and stimuli as independently as possible
• Develop pupils’ ability to use their whole bodies for mobility, sitting and standing, so that they can be as independent as possible within environments
• Develop pupils’ ability to use their hearing and sight within interactions, activities and routines
• Develop pupils’ ability to integrate and regulate sensory based input from stimuli and the environment
• Develop pupils’ awareness, engagement and active participation and engagement within interdependent care routines
• Develop pupils’ positive emotional engagement with activities, routines and interactions
• Develop pupils’ ability to share control of activities and interactions with responsive communication partners who can elicit their preferences and what is important to them; so that their ‘voice’ is heard
• Develop play and leisure skills so that they can actively participate and engage within routines and interactions within the home, school and community