Dear parents and carers,

I became the executive headteacher at Mayfield School in January 2023. I joined a committed and skilled staff team who work hard every day to secure positive outcomes for all pupils.

The staff team as a whole are dedicated to working in partnership with parents, carers and families. We strive to support young people with special educational needs and disabilities to engage positively in learning, make choices, express their wishes and feelings and develop their personal strengths and interests.

Many young people with SEND experience challenges and we hope to support you to work well with adults in school in a solution focused and restorative way to overcome any difficulties as soon as they arise.

This term we are focused on connecting as many parents, carers and family members as possible to Class Dojo, our online platform, so that we can show you pictures of your child’s school experience, explain what they are learning, share information with you and send you regular updates. It is really important for us to be able to share this information with you. If you need help with this, please speak to your child’s class team. You can log into Class Dojo here: Class Dojo

As you may know, we are a Unicef Rights Respecting School and children’s rights are at the heart of everything we do. All staff here will always act in the best interests of your child. You can find out more about Rights Respecting Schools here: The Rights Respecting Schools Award | UNICEF UK

Kind regards,

Vicky Miller

Executive Headteacher