We have a relaxed uniform for pupils which can be inexpensively purchased from a range of high street retailers

We have the option of uniform with the embroidered Mayfield School logo.
This can be purchased through My Clothing. They supply quality Mayfield School pupil uniform in the school’s colours, complete with embroidered Mayfield School logo

Click link: Mayfield School (Pupil) – My Clothing
EYFS, KS2, KS3, KS4 and KS5:
- White shirt, blouse, polo shirt or t-shirt
- Black trousers, skirt, culottes with no visible logo
- Maroon/ burgundy or bottle green jumper, cardigan, fleece or sweatshirt
- Black closed in shoes, boots or trainers with low heel and no visible logo

PE Kit:
- White t-shirt or polo shirt with no visible logo
- Black tracksuit bottoms, leggings or shorts with no visible logo
- Pumps or trainers with rubber soles
Pupils may be asked to wear warm layers of clothing if participating in outdoor learning.

We will be offering a pre-loved uniform swap at parents evenings and have a uniform drop off box in reception for unwanted or outgrown ones. We are soon to begin working with the Rubery Swop Shop and information will be sent to parents / careers.
Rubery Swop Shop is a charity that intends to help families and the environment, by providing free preloved school uniforms, reducing waste. There are no swops needed and no questions asked!
Please visit their website for more information.