English & Communication

English & Communication

English is essential in providing learners with the communication, reading and writing skills they need for life. The outcomes of this will enable pupils to develop their confidence, fluency and passion for literature through widespread reading for enjoyment, express ideas, views and feelings and be confident to use and apply their English skills effectively inside and outside of the classroom.

Across Key stages 1-4, English is linked to our teaching of topics. Where appropriate, there is a balance of fiction, non-fiction and poetry taught across the year. Secure development of skills in English provides access to the whole curriculum:

· Read easily, fluently and with good understanding We aim to develop a love for books and reading where pupils choose to read frequently for enjoyment and information

·  Acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge for reading, writing and spoken language

·  Write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences

· Develop communication skills to use in discussion in order to learn; they should be able to explain clearly their understanding and ideas

· To develop speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate

Our English lessons are designed to develop and promote a love of reading by ensuring our pupils are accessing a wide range of texts, that have been successfully adapted to meet the phonological and communication need of pupils. English lessons are immersed in our total communication approach. Comprehension skills and functional reading are the main focus in our English and guided reading lessons at Mayfield School.