Mayfield Heathfield Road
Heathfield Road hosts a provision for 150 pupils with a diagnosis of ASC and severe (SLD) or profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) from EYFS to KS5 (3 to 19yrs). All pupils that attend Mayfield have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), and are referred via the Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Service (SENAR) for a place.
Many of our pupils have a speech, language and communication need and difficulties with sensory processing.
Our site consists of 3 main departments: EYFS, KS2 – KS4, and Sixth Form.
Our EYFS department made up of 3 classes, grouped by need; PMLD, ASC & SLD. Our EYFS class environments have been developed to suit the individual need of the cohorts and have access to a shared EYFS playground and sensory room.
KS2-KS4 at Heathfield Road is split over 2 storeys, with 3 classes being upstairs. Our class sizes are small, with a good staff to pupil ratio ensuring every child receives the support they deserve. Our average class size is 9 pupils, with 3 teaching assistants and a teacher. All classes downstairs have access to a shared playground. Pupils that are placed in the upstairs classes are carefully selected as pupils that can tolerate transitioning downstairs to access an outside space.
Our Sixth Form Centre hosts 2 classes, with a shared kitchen to access for real life learning opportunities. Some pupils access accredited learning, however, the focus is preparing our pupils for adulthood, and their next destination.
Our offer includes our ‘Get Real Curriculum’. The curriculum at Mayfield School is focused on ‘Giving enough time for real life learning’ so that all pupils have access to an ambitious and personalised curriculum which provides the key skills, knowledge and understanding to facilitate future learning in a challenging, safe and stimulating environment.
At Heathfield Road, the curriculum is planned and implemented to meet the needs of our cohort, ensuring we are providing opportunities to revisit, consolidate and challenge prior knowledge. Most pupils at Heathfield Road require a highly structured, total communication learning environment. Our pupils’ benefit from precision teaching through workboxes, as well as opportunities to work with partners and small groups.
Our highly trained, enthusiastic and committed staff work closely with our pupils, their families as well as external professionals, such as occupational therapist and speech and language therapists to support their practise and understanding of the needs of all pupils. This enables us to provide the specialised individual programmes required for our pupils.
We use Class Dojo to share information with parents and carers and maintain regular home/school communication. This is where parents and carers, many of whom do not live nearby, can see photos of their child engaged in learning and find out more about what they are learning about in school.