Every day at Mayfield School as educators and learners we come together.
Our curriculum intent is clear:
“To meet the individual needs of every pupil.”
The curriculum at Mayfield School ensures that all pupils regardless of their starting points have access to an ambitious and personalised curriculum which provides the key skills, knowledge and understanding to facilitate future learning in a challenging, safe and stimulating environment.
In response to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic Mayfield School has adopted a ‘Blended Learning’ approach. This means that where pupils are required to isolate at home or are unable to access school in line with government guidance, they are able to access a high-quality blended learning package that has been planned by their class teacher to meet their individual needs.
All of the students that attend Mayfield School have a diagnosis of SEND and an EHCP. Because of this Teachers are required to plan for learning opportunities that meet their individual needs. Adopting a ‘blended learning’ approach means being flexible and adapting planning so that these opportunities to be accessed in the home as well as in school.
Any child who is not able to access School due to an isolation period or in line with Government guidelines will have access to a daily timetable that mirrors the subject coverage in school and will include a heavy focus on working towards EHCP outcomes through tasks that promote the development of transferrable life skills within the home environment. In addition to this each child will also have the opportunity to access one remote learning session a day. Resources that are needed to support learning at home are carefully selected as part of the teacher planning process and distributed accordingly. All resources are differentiated to the varied needs of our pupils. They include printed workbooks, sensory objects, work tray tasks, symbols & parent guides.
Due to the varied needs of our pupils, we have taken a flexible approach to selecting platforms for students to access remote sessions. Teaching staff work closely with families to identify the most appropriate platforms that will meet the individual needs of pupils. In line with our remote learning policy; this includes a combination of pre-recorded videos, Zoom, TEAMS, Seesaw & Evidence for Learning. Where access to IT has been identified as barrier, devices have been allocated to overcome this.
Every child at Mayfield School has a ‘key person’ in class. The key person also acts as the main point of contact for parents/carers. Families are contacted by their child’s ‘key person’ every week to discuss home learning. Home learning calls are an opportunity for families to discuss tasks, share tips to promote engagement and also to discuss progress, barriers to learning and next steps. Gaining feedback from pupils/parents and carers is crucial in supporting Teachers to make accurate assessment and plan for further learning. This continues to be a priority.
In addition, families are contacted for a welfare call once a week by their child’s key person. This is an opportunity for families to share any concerns they have and to highlight anything that the school may be able to help them with.
The school continues to work with external professionals to support the needs of individual pupils and provide access to relevant therapies.